Re-gridding and sub-setting tool
The re-gridding and sub-setting tool has been developed in the frame of the LST_cci project, in response to requests expressed by the users during the LST_cci Users Workshop in 2020. Its main objective is to map a LST product onto a new grid in a coarser resolution, while propagating the uncertainties in a trustable way.
The tool is also able to produce a real subset of the product defined by user-provided latitude and longitude, minimum and maximum coordinates.
It is proposed in two versions:
- A zip file containing LST regrid tool script file and all necessary libraries (350MB Zipped - 470 MB unzipped)
- A single binary file embedding all the zipped libraries (350 MB) (requires the download of the landsea_mask folder and the two landmask files: and
NB: The single file bundle requires the decompression of embedded libraries, consuming some overhead time before the regridding process really starts.
The LST regridding tool requires land maps (to identify cloudy pixels) and expects a directory named ‘landsea_mask’ containing files and beside the binary file. Those files are provided on the download page. The files are already included in the zip bundle but must be added manually beside the single self-content binary package.
To download the tool: click here
To download the User Manual: click here
If you have any questions, please send an email to: lst-cci-tool[at]acri-st[dot]fr